Saturday, June 29, 2013


     Lately life's just been going past me too fast. Brielle's four months old and I'm moving this summer or fall... I feel so nostalgic. I miss when I lived out in the country and I would ride past the kitchen window on my old horse streaker and I'd reach in and my mom would pass me lunch out the window. I'd lay back in the grass reading stories about adventure and daydreaming about what my life might be. Growing up is so hard. I know it's best for Spencer if we move out so I'm doing it for him but it's just another huge change in my crazy life. I miss the simple things. I miss eating stacks of otterpops while watching my mom fiddle with her flowers. I miss swimming all day with my very best friend and her silly dad's pool. I miss the excitement of that curly haired, blue eyed boy staring at me across the room. I miss spending every second of summer laying in the grass and jet skiing  on a sparkling lake. But I trust God. I know that his plan is so much bigger than anything I could ever imagine. I also know that change is so good for me. 
     I feel so thankful for the parents I've been given and how willing they are to help me make rent. I just wish I didn't have to ask them for that. It would've been nice if I were older and financially capable. But wishing things were different is the way to build a bitter and empty heart. I am determined not to wish my life away and focus on all the blessings I have TODAY. I have a beautiful daughter, sunshine on my face, the best parents, a best friend for a brother, giving in-laws and a husband who loves me. What else could I want? Even though this summer is different it's going to be great. I was disappointed because I love helping with VBS and teaching little hearts about Jesus. This year I wasn't going to be able to help because I didn't want to leave Brielle for that long. But I'm able to lead games. It will be so fun to help in some way. I'm really excited. Little blessings are all I need.
     I'm excited to see what this year holds and even though I had to grow up fast you'll never catch me complaining. I have so much good around me there's no reason to be sad. 3rd song on my playlist is my encouragement today. I have a divine romance with a God who is indescribable. What more could a girl want?
"Along with her husband and children, Ella worked as a missionary with the pygmies in Africa for 52 years. She had left her family, her country, and all that was familiar.  Primitive doesn’t begin to describe her living conditions in the scorching heat and humidity of the African bush. But Ella found no relief because electricity, air-conditioning, and other modern conveniences were only a dream. Some days it was so unbearably hot that she had to bring the thermometer inside because it couldn’t register past 120 degrees without breaking.
Ella’s daughter, Mimi, is my friend. Mimi wondered how her mother had done it – how she had lived a life of contentment when her circumstances would have caused the hardiest to complain. Recently Mimi unearthed a treasure, a much more significant find than gold or silver. In an old diary of her mother’s she, discovered Ella’s prescription for contentment:
*Never allow yourself to complain about anything – not even the weather
*Never picture yourself in any other circumstances or someplace else
*Never compare your lot with another’s
*Never allow yourself to wish this or that had been otherwise
*Never dwell on tomorrow –remember that tomorrow is God’s, not ours"


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